Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It had to go...

There are two things I have received the most flack for since Bean’s birth. The first is not sending out birth announcements (I’m currently working on that one) and the other is her hair. My baby has a mullet. She was born with a full head of beautiful brown hair.

Those beautiful locks quickly fell out, EXCEPT the hair above her neck in the back, leaving her with a classy mullet. If this were 1986, Bean would be at the height of fashion, but alas it is not.

Now, I’ve long been a fan of the mullet - business in the front, party in the back. My friends and I often frequented in high school, which sadly no longer exists, I just found out. But a mullet on my beautiful baby girl? Not so cute.

Party in the back!
So tonight, after weeks of my mother threatening to cut it off in my absence while at work, I cut my baby’s hair.

I got her all situated in her Bumbo seat so I would have easy access to the back of her head.  Hattie, who is afraid of thunder, climbed into my lap because of the storm outside, which I have to say made for an excellent photo.

While my handiwork certainly isn’t perfect, its much better than a mullet. Hopefully Bean will forgive me for this post by the time she leaves for college. 

Ta Da!

Have you ever succumbed to pressure from family or friends and changed something about your baby?
Was your baby born with funny hair... or is there something about your baby that you find hilarious?
And really... how long does this baby pattern baldness really last?!

And because I just can't leave you with a picture of the back of Bean's head, here's something a little more adorable... her learning to stick her tongue out!


  1. bumbo!! Goodness the names I came up with that thing bc I just couldn't remember it. Erin would constantly correct me LOL.

    Gwen looks gorge!

  2. Jack has a mullet, too, and some crazy sideburns. We'll see how long I can go without cutting it.
