About Us

So, you're here. You've fallen in love with our little girls beautiful faces the instant that you saw them (right? RIGHT?!) and you want to know more about the mommies that made them. We don't blame you. Your wish. Our command.

Meet Jackie.

Hello mommies, bloggers, friends, lurkers et al. I'm Jackie. I live in Brooklyn, New York with my hero of a husband, B, our Little Bird who was born February 22, 2013, our two dogs (a miniature pinscher, Conrad, and a large, sweet black mutt, Lexi) and two cats (Sookie and The Cheshire Cat). All in 1000 square feet! Yes, it is absolutely as crowded (and often messy) as it sounds, but we are all so happy to be together. 

Most of the time... Often, I think the cats are plotting a rebellion. Usually when Little Bird goes on one of her crying jags, and the rest of us are left helpless and deafened.

This happened, and it's my favorite.
It might be our Christmas card this year.
Anywhooooo. I am a semi-crunchy mama, I suppose, though these labels are super weird. We cloth diaper and babywear, we have struggled with breastfeeding - which I'm sure is relatable to many of you, and I will write some about - and we're figuring it all out one step at a time. It's been strange for me, because most things come very easily and naturally to me, and it's been stressful because motherhood has, well, not.

Although, I am really good at my other job! I am an Independent Scentsy Consultant! Please visit my website here to get hooked on the best home fragrances around.

I'm here to share my mothering failures and triumphs, laugh with you, botch projects that Emily challenges me with, and talk about what works for us as a family. I'll throw in a bunch of product reviews and hopefully some giveaways in the future, so we can all enjoy fun stuff that we would never buy for ourselves.

Meet Emily.

Hi, I’m Emily - lover of all things crafty and DIY. Former Manhattan-ites, we are starting over in my hometown a few hours from the Big Apple. My family consists of my dream man J, our little Bean (Born February 4, 2013) and our Maltese Monster, Hattie - Napoleon Complex anyone?

We are also a semi-crunchy household. Breast feeding and cloth diapering (most of the time) with a side of mommy and me yoga. Our Bean is on the . . .  ready for it? Babywise program.  I am a person who thrives on structure and having a schedule is a way for me as a mother to feel like all of my baby’s needs are being met and for me to still have my sanity intact, oh, and the Bean seems to be thriving happily on her schedule.

Once a professional actress, I am now pursuing my other dream career as a mommy and a wife. I work a few days a week for a photography studio but love days at home spent creating and being with my little girl.

I’m here to share the good, the bad and the ugly moments of every day life, share a recipe, craft or two and laugh at Jackie’s jokes.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Bean shares a birthday with my daughter! Can't wait to follow her and Bird! I found you from your review on Cotton Booty!
